Our Services

Separation & Divorce
Separation & Divorce doesn’t just need to be the end of something, it can also be a new beginning. The way you move through the separation process will affect how you and your family step into the future.

Property Settlement / Financial Settlement
Property Settlements / Financial Settlements are some of the most important aspects of the separation process.

Financial Agreements
While no one enters into a relationship or marriage expecting to separate, a financial agreements document can give you assurance that your assets are protected in the event things don’t work out.

Children Arrangements / Parenting Arrangements
Your children mean the world to you. We understand that, and are here to help you formulate and negotiate children arrangements & parenting arrangements that best enable your children to thrive and grow.

Child Support & Spousal Maintenance
Following separation, you may be in need of financial support for your children (child support), or for yourself (spousal maintenance). Or perhaps you’ve been the main breadwinner and need to know your obligations and what support you may be legally required to pay.

Intervention Orders / Family Violence
Intervention Orders (IVO) have become commonplace in family situations and separation. An IVO quite often has an effect on parenting cases and in some situations financial property settlements. Our family lawyers are experienced in handling IVO matters with sensitivity and discernment in light of your separation, parenting and financial matters.